Carmen "de Vaca" and Juan (married 54 years) live directly behind us and run a herd of 23 dairy cattle. They are THE NICEST, down to earth, hard-working people and generous to a fault. Carmen is always keeping us supplied in people potato's, tomatoes, peppers, and eggs!! Their son Oviedo helps them run the farm.
The people of Vilacha are all very warm and friendly and are a close-knit community assisting each other in the daily chores of farming. Our youngest villager is only two years old and the oldest is on his way to 90. When it comes to harvest everyone pitches in to help plus some of the neighboring villagers. No one need ever be short of company in this village as it is more like a family living in a very large home than a village with separate houses.
The immediate neighbor of Casa Banderas is Marie Carmen (Below sitting next to me, Ray Powell). Marie Carmen is an excellent cook and a gardener par excellence, keeping us supplied with fresh produce, eggs, tomatoes, peppers, and chorizo!!

Max, is the local welcome committee owned by MarieCarmen he is a puppy at heart but loves to bark at strangers but he is harmless

Fernando is Marie Carmen's son-in-law. He runs a dairy cattle farm of over 250 head and has many other agricultural projects. He has helped us in so many ways to get the Albergue up and running!!